Important Information          Updated 9th Aug 2021

Aligned with Joy Clinic

Long Awaited News

At the beginning of all this, very little was known about the virus, but we now have much more information from scientists around the world about how this virus behaves and who is most likely at risk. Read here

I am in a fortunate situation that I work alone and so those who come for treatment are not going to be coming into contact with anybody else, other than me. I have made the time slots slightly longer to give me time to do some basic clinic hygiene in between people. I am setting out the way I shall be working once this happens below.

  Asymptomatic carriers: On 8th June 2020, the World Health Authority declared that is was "extremly rare" that an asypmtomatic carrier of covid 19 was going to infect anyone. Studies have been performed as to the risk from an asymptomatic carrier can be read here.

I have made a change to my practice, and that is that I ask people to remain in their cars until I ask them to come inside, and I will open the door for you. I ask that you call 01292 287827 when you arrive at the property, so that I know you are there. (You do not need to wait for me to answer the phone, caller recognition has it's uses) For those who come by bus, please do as you have always done, and use the waiting room. As the number of bus travellers is minimal, the waiting area will be hardly used.

Children coming for treatment may be accompanied by a parent or carer. I would ask, wherever possible only the child requiring treatment is brought.



 Handwashing: I have always washed my hands before I start any treatment, so I was ahead of the game there. Possibly as a result of working on an infectious diseases ward at the height of the AIDS epidemic, and having a working understanding of the importance of handwashing long before dictated to by government.

 Hand sanitiser: Many hand sanitisers contain a substance called triclosan. There is concern about the effects that triclosan has on hormones. It has also been linked to the possibility of causing skin cancers. There is also concern that it might give rise to anti-biotic resistance.

For these reasons I do not use hand-sanitiser, nor do I provide it for people to use in my clinic, as I value your health. Should you wish to use hand sanitiser before, during or after coming for treatment, please feel free to use your own.

 Couch Hygiene:

Should you wish to bring a clean sheet to place on the treatment couch, again I will respect your wishes. My couch has a washable  surface which I will be wiping down  in between clients with soap and water. Disinfectants are un-necessary as the outer layer of virus' bursts in the presence of soap.

  Clothing: I am asking that people remain clothed during treatment, in light clothing, such as leggings, shorts and t-shirt.

When leaving my clinic room, please allow me to open the doors for you, to limit my handle cleaning time.

Service with a Smile

Smiles  versus Masks

I do lateral flow tests on a regular basis.

Masks, in infectious pathogen situations, are designed to prevent an infected person passing the pathogen onto other people. Asymptomatic people are not going to pass on an infection they don't have.

Wearing a mask for long periods of time is detrimental to the wearer's health, in a number of ways: It increases the number of pathogens close to the nose and mouth and it increases the level of carbon dioxide which is breathed back in. Also tiny micro-fibres can be breathed into the lungs and become a site of infection within them. All these issues are detrimental to health.  I consider my health paramount, when serving the community, and will not jeopardise it by wearing something that has the potential to do so.

If you chose to wear a face-mask to come and see me for treatment, then I respect your choice. I will not be asking you to do so as a requirement for treatment.

If you are seriously immunocompromised or have someone who is, at home, please contact me directly to discuss how I can adapt for your particular situation. This is not new, it is something I would have done in the past, as I understand the need for reverse barrier nursing and it's implications in immuno-compromised people.

PAYMENT: I am only accepting cash or bacs transfers as payment at the moment.

Thank you for reading these terms and conditions of treatment. If you accept them as my standards of hygiene, then please reply to the email, including the words "I accept" as part of your email. Thank you for your understanding in this matter.