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Connecting INtimately to the Divine using Sacred and Precious Essential Oils

Following events in 2020 and having more time to meditate, I channelled the course Connecting INtimately to the Divine as a way of helping people connect to the power of the collective consciousness and help them raise the energy and vibration of the planet.

Preparing your Mix

Below is the resource explaining how to prepare your Sacred Oil Mix. Just hit download and it should download onto your device.
Any issues please email me on the address that you receive from me. Blessings Joy

Preparing your Oil(1).pdf

Daily and Weekly Practice

The download below will help you to use the resources in your daily Sacred practice. It is a suggestion. Do what feels right for you and enjoy the revealing that occurs. Blessings Joy

Resource Ideas.pdf

Invocation to Elemi

Below is the Invocation to the Sacred Oil of Elemi. Use daily in the morning whilst applying the oil mix to the hands, the throat, over the heart, or wherever you feel drawn to place it. After this spend a few minutes journalling or creating in your chosen method. Blessings Joy

Elemi Invocation.pdf

Get in Touch

If you have any questions or queries please send me an email using the box below to send your message. Please be aware that I am in clinic Mon - Fri 10-6 pm and messages will be answered when I can view them and give them my full attention. Blessings Joy